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La Memoria de las Paredes
La Memoria de las Paredes
Paulina Avila

Image title and description 1: Desvanecer. Desvanecer is a digital collage made with photographs of my grandfather found within his archive and explores the fade of materiality that goes hand in hand with the fade of the body and ultimately the fade of memory.
Image title and description 2: Vestidos y Caballos. This photograph explores the roles set in place within the family home, roles that were especially redefined by the defining cultural and religious context of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Image title and description 3: Sin Título. Sín Título explores the fade of materiality, and the ones that witness this act slowly but continuously through the years.
Image title and description 4: Ecos de las Raíces. The family home serves as a backdrop for many of the familiar milestones with every passing generations. This walls have been the walls of the first home some people in the family have lived in, and simultaneously they have been part of someone's last home. They have managed to stay up for decades, yet they have not escaped time, but time has left its mark on these walls.
Image title and description 5: Ines. As time passes memory fades, and walls start to crumble down. In tearing the layers we might just come across the fragments of what has been, while at the same time making space for new stories to be written in the future. Here the duality of love and loss can coexist and new generations can break free of the constraints of the past, making their own way into the future and constructing their own definition of home.
Jennifer Cantwell

Image title and description 1: First day of School, this image shows that moment of apprehension and rivalry at the first meeting of a new family, the school family.
Image title and description 2: At the Barber, with our bestie, our chosen family. The intimacy of sitting side by side, cultivating our 'look', our image we present to the world.
Image title and description 3: Besties, we can often be more intimate with our friends than we can with our born family.
Image title and description 4: Ice Cream, sharing ice cream with our step-siblings.
Image title and description 5: Brothers, 'nuf said.
Family Juried Show
Family Juried Show
Bill Cerame

State: NC

Image title and description 1: American Graffiti. Two brothers dreaming of when the 1950 Ford pickup will be driven on the first cruse.
Image title and description 2: Back to Back Cousins back to back during Christmas photo shoot
Image title and description 3: Christmas Vacation The chaos trying to organize a family Christmas picture
Image title and description 4: Leaves Cousins playing in the fall leaves
Image title and description 5: Piano Lesson Older cousin giving toddler her first piano lesson.
The Persistence of Family
The Persistence of Family
Diana Cheren Nygren

Image title and description 1: Before the Waterfall - My paternal grandmother's family arrived in the United States from a small village outside of Odessa at the beginning of the 20th century. In this image the family looks toward two of my children whose lives they made possible by this move.
Image title and description 2: Babydolls - My maternal grandmother was the oldest of four children. Next in line, her sister Babe, was ultimately diagnosed with schizophrenia. I never met her. They were a wealthy family and very concerned with proper decorum. In this image, around the corner from a doll-like presentation of my grandmother and Babe, my daughter sits shoeless and slightly disheveled, but somehow similarly doll-like.
Image title and description 3: Standoff - My mother and my daughter are perhaps the two most central figures in my life in shaping the lens through which I see and understand myself. Here they face one another similarly clad in cowgirl attire.
Image title and description 4: When I Went Down Beside the Sea - My grandfather had a sailboat when I was a girl. I associate him with that boat. He loved to sail. Although I think he also just loved to get away from my grandmother. Here his relaxing figure on the beach faces my daughter whom he never had the opportunity to meet, reflecting his pose back to him. I imagine the two of them would have really liked each other,
Image title and description 5: Matriarchs - Traditionally in American society, name has been passed down father to son. Symbolically, the marriage ceremony has been seen as the transfer of a woman from her father to her new husband. My own sense of my lineage, however, is very much matrilineal. I can almost see the thread that ties us, from my grandmother to my mother, to me, and then carried forward with my daughter, walking in the footsteps of the women who came before her. All of these women bear different last names, but they are the core of my story. In this image I stand in my wedding dress as my "future" young daughter strides toward my and my mother and grandmother, each on her wedding day, looks on in the distance.
Ian Curcio

Image title and description 1: Untitled: There comes an age when you're children no longer enjoy being photographed. 2022.
Image title and description 2: Untitled: In the studio, a mother and her son. 2017.
Image title and description 3: Untitled: Cooking on New Year's Day, Colombia. 2023.
Image title and description 4: Untitled: Summer before college. 2021.
Image title and description 5: Untitled: Cousins. 2024.
Avery Danziger

Image title and description 1: LOVING COUPLE WITH SHARK - NC STATE FAIR I have been photographing the NC STATE FAIR since 1974
Image title and description 2: SMILING BOYS - SAINT ANTHONY'S CHURCH,SF In the mid 70's I would volunteer to be a server at the St Anthony's Church Thanksgiving free dinner. After working, I would take photographs
Image title and description 3: WHITE GLOVES - GAY GIRLS RIDING CLUB (GGRC) Staring in the mid 80's, for 5 years I photographed the GGRC, a costume ball held in Los Angels at the The Tropicana Club.
Image title and description 4: CATALONIAN COUPLE FISHING Taken near Barcelona....
Image title and description 5: NC STATE FAIR #4533 I have been photographing the NC STATE FAIR since 1974
Family: An Exhibit at A Photographers Place
Family: An Exhibit at A Photographers Place
Fran DeRespinis

Image title and description 1: A Family Portrait: He fidgets , he sighs, drops his head in boredom. Mom knows, daughter not so much.
Image title and description 2: Three Generations: They gather for the grandson’s birthday dinner, sharing stories, laughter, pride and love.
Image title and description 3: 50 Years: An old couple stroll hand in hand through Central Park, slow and steady, the quiet comfort of their half century together.
Image title and description 4: This Camera, Not That: The youngest child steals the spotlight, striking a playful pose for the wrong camera.
Image title and description 5: Mother and Child: A mother’s love for her infant son is a gentle yet fierce bond, an unbreakable devotion from his first breath.
Family Portrait
Family Portrait
Chris Diani

State: MA

Image title and description 1: Family Portrait archival pigment print 10 x 15 in. 2020
Image title and description 2: N/A
Image title and description 3: N/A
Image title and description 4: N/A
Image title and description 5: N/A
Jim DiCiaccio

Image title and description 1: She Was Just Different - She was definitely from another time. The way she carried herself and the way she dressed was just different. It was as if she was let in on a secret while the rest of us went on, unaware. She loved to write and her words were written in a way that painted not a picture, but, more like a mural. She was kind. She was especially kind to me. She would take me along occasionally so I could explore the trails while she wrote.
Image title and description 2: The Silence Was Like A Symphony- She would talk about the silence like it was a symphony. We’d listen to the distant snaps from the lake’s surface. We’d listen to the hum of insects. She said we are the universe and that it was her favorite subject to imagine.
Image title and description 3: I Swear I See It - I look a lot. I listen. I feel it. I see it. I swear I see it. I try never to miss it. That golden element that she described to me is with me now. At first I hear, then I see. She told me what to look for. I’m so lucky.
Image title and description 4: Miss You, Kid - I feel you. I really feel you now. I come here, sometimes even in the winter and I imagine you in your bow and ankle socks. I see you. I miss you kid.
Image title and description 5: N/A
Emily Fitzgerald

Image title and description 1: Atlas on Halloween archival ink jet print 2023
Image title and description 2: Bath Time archival ink jet print 2024
Image title and description 3: Reading on the Couch archival ink jet print 2024
Image title and description 4: Nonnie's Necklace on Atlas archival ink jet print 2023
Image title and description 5: Breast Milk archival ink jet print 2021
Family Exhibition Submission
Family Exhibition Submission
Alexandra Frangiosa

Image title and description 1: The Boch Women, 2024
Image title and description 2: N/A
Image title and description 3: N/A
Image title and description 4: N/A
Image title and description 5: N/A
Kevin B Jones
Kevin B Jones
Kevin B. Jones

State: CA

Image title and description 1: Family Reunion - New Orleans, Louisiana
Image title and description 2: Madre y Hermana - Port a Prince Haiti
Image title and description 3: Un día en el Malacon - Havana, Cuba
Image title and description 4: Family - Johannesburg, South Africa
Image title and description 5: Los Jugadores - Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Life's A Beach
Life's A Beach
Michael Ligett

Image title and description 1: Brett, 2
Image title and description 2: Brett and Sarah, 4
Image title and description 3: Brett and Twins
Image title and description 4: Brett and Sarah, now
Image title and description 5: Sarah, 1
Becoming the Family Observer
Becoming the Family Observer
Yvette Meltzer

State: NC

Image title and description 1: Outside Observer is a vintage b & w photo. I placed a magnifying glass on the image to look at it more closely and when I took a photo of the image, I magically appeared outside of the family circle. Quite apt. This is me with my maternal grandmother and my first cousin.
Image title and description 2: Sibling Rivalry This is a silhouette of me in First Grade onto which my sister, 22 months younger who always saw life as a rivalry, scribbled all over my face with crayons This photo is 1000 words in describing our relationship
Image title and description 3: Me As My Father As I explored what it meant to be a woman, I decided to try on some of my father's clothes and I could have passed for him
Image title and description 4: Make Room for Dinner I grew up in a family of heavy smokers, all of whom died young of diseases related to their smoking habit. This is a photo of my maternal grandmother who died of lung cancer, my father who died of a cardiac arrest at 56, my mother who died of emphysema at 69, and my maternal grandfather who also died of emphysema. They are at my uncle's wedding. He died years later of pulmonary fibrosis. As the package of cigarettes announces, "SMOKING KILLS"
Image title and description 5: Nostalgia - Imagination or Memory. While I feel a lot of nostalgia looking back on the family in which I grew up, our brains are not built to fix memories in stone, but rather to transform them. When I remember playing with my tin doll house is my primary engine imagination or memory? Perhaps some of both.
Family:  Remembrance
Family: Remembrance
Jon Meyer

State: NC

Image title and description 1: Remembrance. Although we come to the end of the road, remembrance carries us on through the generations.
Image title and description 2: No entry
Image title and description 3: No entry
Image title and description 4: No entry
Image title and description 5: No entry
Elusive Memory: Lost Histories
Elusive Memory: Lost Histories
Deborah Orloff

State: OH

Image title and description 1: Severed Matrilineage, 2023, color photograph
Image title and description 2: Audrey Detached, 2024, color photograph
Image title and description 3: Radin Family, 2024, color photograph
Image title and description 4: Max Berman, 2024, color photograph
Image title and description 5: Missing Half, 2023, color photograph
Family: Simple Togetherness
Family: Simple Togetherness
Bhinesh Patel

Image title and description 1: Playing Second Fiddle: Taken in the garden of my home in Darien CT in March 2015 with a 4x5 view camera. My middle son playing the saxophone and my eldest daughter playing the violin.
Image title and description 2: Defy Lockdown: This photo was taken in June 2020 during the COVID lockdown at the kitchen window of my home in CT.
Image title and description 3: Hold Me Closer: A multiple exposure photograph of my wife Mina and my youngest son taken in March 2017 at my home studio in CT.
Image title and description 4: The Little Alpha: We have two older Gen-Z children, followed thirteen years later by a third who is Gen-Alpha. There is a noticeable difference between the two sets. This photo was taken in November 2015.
Image title and description 5: Water Veil: This photo of Mina was taken on New55 film in October 2015. New55 was an experimental film developed to mimic the Type 55 instant peel-apart film by Polaroid. The results were unpredictable to say the least.
Ray Pfeiffer

Image title and description 1: Untitled
Image title and description 2: Untitled
Image title and description 3: Untitled
Image title and description 4: Untitled
Image title and description 5: Untitled
Becoming a Blended Family
Becoming a Blended Family
Mark Russell

Image title and description 1: My kids meet Molly
Image title and description 2: My kids meet Molly's mom
Image title and description 3: our kids
Image title and description 4: family bonding
Image title and description 5: a family
Ellen Sabin

Image title and description 1: Chinese New Year- Metropolitan Museum of Art 2024
Image title and description 2: A Death In The Family - Central PA 2021
Image title and description 3: Modern Family- Heathrow Airport 2023
Image title and description 4: Chicago - Family In Need 2024
Image title and description 5: Not Your Standard Family - GAP Trail PA 2021

Page 1 of 2, showing 20 records out of 25 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20